議案一 Motion 1:2022 教會理事人選 The 2022 Church Council
- 蔡毅光 Alight Tsai、馬仲才 Zhongcai Ma、林麟 Alex Lin、劉碩 Kristy Liu、趙勻科 Michael Chao、王鳳韜 Richard Wang、潘金琼 Lisa Yip、曹維遠 Forrest Cao、陳珍妮 Jenny Chan
今年有商賜恩、賴伊瑄、許帥、周良、盧麗娟卸任,感謝他們的辛勞!Cien Shang, I-Shen Lai, Matt Xu, Liang Zhou and Lucy Kern will step down at the end of the year. We thank them for their faithful service!
2022 新加入new council members for next year:
- 趙勻科 Michael Chao
- 王鳳韜 Richard Wang
- 潘金琼 Lisa Yip
- 曹維遠 Forrest Cao (首次擔任理事 1st time)
- 陳珍妮 Jenny Chan (首次擔任理事 1st time)
議案二 Motion 2:2022 教會預算 The 2022 Church Budget
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