
Five Solas of Reformation (4/5 a): 唯獨基督

唯獨基督 Christ Alone 在這慶祝耶穌基督降生的季節,我們的進度也來到了「唯獨基督Solus Christus」。第四個唯獨是前三個唯獨的合理結論:唯獨聖經、唯獨恩典、唯獨信心都指向了耶穌基督。唯獨聖經,唯獨基督是聖經所見證的彌賽亞。唯獨恩典,唯獨基督成就了救恩,恩典從他而出。唯獨信心,神的義唯獨因信耶穌基督加給一切相信的人,並沒有分別。

Five Solas of Reformation (4/5 a): Solus Christus

Christ Alone The fourth Sola, Solus Christus, Christ alone, is the logical conclusion of the previous three. Scripture alone, grace alone, and faith alone all point to Christ. Christ alone…

Five Solas of Reformation (3/5 c): 唯獨信心

人人都能信 Everybody Can Believe 神的恩典,使我們因信耶穌基督而被稱為義。然而甚麼是信心?我如何才能確定自己有這樣的信心?為了幫助我們瞭解信心的本質,聖經將我們的目光引向了信心之父亞伯拉罕:

Five Solas of Reformation (3/5 c): Sola Fide

Everybody Can Believe By God’s grace we’re justified through faith in Jesus Christ. But what is faith? How can I be certain I have the kind of faith that brings…

Five Solas of Reformation (3/5 b): 唯獨信心

重新接於源頭 Reconnecting to the Source 我的電話時常需要充電。一開始電池的指數是 100%,但數字下降得很快。若不即時接上電源,不久這個電話就沒用了。沒錯,那些高端的設計仍在裏面。但若沒了電,這就是個死電話。

Five Solas of Reformation (3/5 b): Sola Fide

Reconnecting to the Source My phone needs charging constantly. Its battery starts with 100% but the number goes down quickly. It will cease to be functional if I don’t connect…

Five Solas of Reformation (3/5 a): 唯獨信心

「五個唯獨」原文以簡潔的拉丁文寫成,是宗教改革者留給後人的五個信仰宣告。它們是: Sola Scriptura唯獨聖經 Sola Gratia 唯獨恩典 Sola Fide 唯獨信心 Solus Christus (或 Solo Christo) 唯獨基督 Soli Deo Gloria 榮耀唯獨歸神

Five Solas of Reformation (3/5 a): Sola Fide

The five “solas,” expressed in concise Latin, are theological convictions of the Reformers. They are: Sola Scriptura, by Scripture alone Sola Gratia, by Grace alone Sola Fide, by Faith alone…

Five Solas of Reformation (2/5): 唯獨恩典

「五個唯獨」原文以簡潔的拉丁文寫成,是宗教改革者留給後人的五個信仰宣告。它們是: Sola Scriptura, 唯獨聖經 Sola Gratia, 唯獨恩典 Sola Fide, 唯獨信心 Solus Christus (或 Solo Christo) 唯獨基督 Soli Deo Gloria, 榮耀唯獨歸神


宗教改革 Reformation 今天是2017年10月31日,五百年前的今天,一位名叫馬丁路德(Martin Luther)的德國神學教授,將他抗議羅馬天主教的「九十五條論文 95 Theses」釘在威登堡(Wittenberg)教堂的大門上,拉開了宗教改革(Reformation)的序幕。