劉英華 (早堂), 幼兒班領課老師
Yinghua Liu, 2-K teacher of Morning Session
In late 2016, I joined CBCWLA, and currently I serve as a 2-K teacher. Prior to becoming a teacher, I was just a parent with some parenting experience but zero teaching experience. Initially, I had reservations when CM approached me. It was with God’s guidance and coworkers’ trust and encouragement, I accepted the invitation and shifted my mindset from being a recipient of service to serving others. I started as a TA, through learning, observing, and practicing, I eventually became a lead teacher.
Being involved in the children’s ministry has taught me the importance of paying close attention to and understanding the needs of others. I am grateful for the challenges God presented during that time and His wonderful guidance that followed. Looking ahead, I am eager to continue to root down and grow upward together with the children.
曹維遠 (早堂), 小學部領課老師
Forrest Cao, Elementary Teacher of Morning Session
我叫Forrest,我自己有兩個孩子,一個上大學了,一個在讀五年級。我們2017年來這間教會的時候,老大去了Youth Program,老二在2-K,那時我就開始在幼兒班服事,現在教小學部。我自己是老師家庭長大的孩子,知道裡面的「苦」與「樂」:「苦」的是自己在學校做了一點壞事,家長都會知道;「樂」的是家裡有好學的氣氛、家庭之間兩代人的友誼、以及群體品格的潛移默化作用在孩子身上。我也看到這樣的「苦」與「樂」在影響著我們的孩子們:在兒童部,家長們以身作則一起服事神,孩子們在教會成為好朋友。
My name is Forrest. I’m a parent to two children, one who has started university and another who is now a fourth grader. When our family joined CBCWLA back in 2017, my older child joined the Youth Program, and my younger one was in the 2-K class. It was at this point that I began serving as a Teaching Assistant (TA) to the 2-K class, and eventually, I transitioned into the role of an elementary class teacher.
Growing up in a family of educators, I understand both the “struggles” and “joys” that come with it. The “struggles” include knowing that if I ever misbehaved at school, my parents would find out in no time. On the other hand, the joys are found in the scholarly atmosphere at home, the cross-generational friendship we share, and the subtle but profound influence of collective character development on our children.
Now as I look upon the journey of serving within the Children’s Ministry, I see echoes of these “struggles” and “joys” on our kids. I witness parents actively serving God together, thus setting proactive and positive examples for their children. I also observe our children forming deep and lasting friendships within the church community.
呂嘉宜 (午堂), 幼兒班領課老師
Carrie Lui, 2-K teacher of Noon Session
大家好我是Carrie,我從2012年加入兒童部,曾經是小學部的老師,現在任教2-K!我從大學時期開始對兒童事工有負擔,覺得可以在孩子年幼的時候就把福音的種子撒在他們心裡,是一件很美好的事。小孩天真直接,我常常在主日學中,因為他們的領悟力而驚訝,也被他們真摯的分享和對神單純的信靠而感動。感謝上帝讓我能在這事工裡有份,這是我的 privilege!
提摩太後書2:15 你應當竭力在 神面前作一個蒙稱許、無愧的工人,正確地講解真理的道。願神幫助我能繼續在祂的話語裡紮根,能好好的把聖經的真理分享給每一位來到兒童部的小孩。
Hi, I am Carrie and I’ve been a part of CM since 2012. I began by teaching lower elementary classes and have since transitioned to teaching 2-K. Even during my college years, I felt called to work in children’s ministry and believed in the value of planting seeds in the hearts of young children. The honesty and purity of their thoughts and beliefs always surprise me, and I’m constantly touched by their sincerity. I feel incredibly privileged to be a part of this ministry.
As 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” My hope and prayer is that the Lord will help me to remain rooted in His Word, so that I can effectively teach and share the truth with every child who comes my way!
Oliver Lee(午堂), 小學低班領課老師
Oliver Lee, Lower Elementary Teacher of Noon Session
Hi, I am Oliver! One Sunday afternoon I asked my kids what they did at church that day. They then proceeded to tell me the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego*. I was pleasantly surprised when they told me the Bible story with much enthusiasm and great accuracy to the details. I was and am very grateful to have teachers in CM that correctly teach God’s Word with so much contagious joy. At that moment I told God that if the need arose I would be happy to help in CM. I pray that I would faithfully serve with love, joy, and truth.
* 2023/04/16 Foundation of Faith: Quarter 3 Lesson #7 Daniel 3, God Helps Us Stand Strong
張立 (午堂), 小學高班領課老師
Leo Zhang, Upper Elementary Teacher of Noon Session
大家好, 我叫张立。我们一家是2012年来到我们教会, 我是从2016年开始参加儿童部服事。
儿童部事工有很大的挑战性,但是收获更大, 尤其是看到这些孩子信心的成长。 更重要的是,帮助小朋友来到主前认识他是主耶稣自己的心意: 马太福音19:14节里耶稣说:“让小孩子到我这里来,不要禁止他们,因为天国是属于这样的人的。”
Hello everyone, my name is Leo. Our family came to our church in 2012, and I started to serve in the children’s ministry since 2016.
The children ministry work is very challenging, but also extremely rewarding seeing these kids grow in their faith. More importantly, Jesus himself really wanted children to come to him and get to know him: In Matthew 19:14 Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such people.”