兒童部同工要求 Requirements for Serving in Children Ministry



1. 填寫線上報名表並等候通知

2. 活體指紋掃描及背景調查

  • 教會將安排指定公司於教會替所有同工進行指紋掃描及背景調查,詳情將於稍後公佈

3. 參加認可培訓

  • 參加為時兩小時的Church HR Network 法定舉報員培訓課程,並於培訓結束後將證書電郵給兒童部主任


We welcome all church members to join the children ministry team.

To comply with the California Assembly Bill 506 (AB506), all coworkers in the children ministry team must complete the followings prior to serving:

1. Submit your application form online and wait for further instructions

2. Complete the live scan fingerprinting and background checks

  • The details for on-site live scan fingerprinting will be announced soon

3. Attend the required training workshop

  • Please complete the 2-hour Mandated Reporter Online Training given by Church HR Network. Upon completion of training, please email your copy of the training certification to the children director.