b'and Apache. I saw this as werally, the speaker explained that shared different cultural foodslikewise, our role going to the from popcorn chicken andmission sites was to support the dumplings to Indian fry bread andlocal church in their ministries. acorn stew, serving each otherWe were to be like Aaron and Hur through the time and effort ofsupporting Moses. This theme cooking. I saw this as all threeof partnership was present in churches prepared and servedmy mind throughout the trip, in VBS together. I saw this asreminding me that the mission everyone came together toisnt a one-sided project or complete the art projects.an opportunity for us to feelThis years YSMP themegood about ourselves. Instead, emphasized supporting andYSMP is an opportunity for us to serving the local churches. Itpartner with the other churches came from Exodus 17:12 whichand the local Christians to do says, But Moses hands wereGods work. It is a partnership heavy. Then they took a stoneenabled by Gods grace and we and put it under him, and Heare all depending on God. It is sat on it; and Aaron and Hura partnership that is blessed supported his hands, one on oneby the unity we have in Christ side and one on the other. Thuswhich surpasses our cultural his hands were steady until thedifferences, age differences, sun set. During the openingpersonal differences, and more.50'