b'to me everywhere 24/7. When I was little, I wanted to be baptized because my mom was bap-tized. I didnt know what being bap-tized really meant. I now understand that Baptism symbolizes that my sins have been washed away through the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is a public declaration of my faith in Christ. I am very thankful that I can proclaim my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ today. I hope to become a better person from this day on; I hope I will be more like my Lord. Of course, no one is perfect except Jesus Christ. I hope I can have more self-control and be more sociable. I want to spread the gospel with the people I know so that they could also put their faith through Christ and become Christians themselves.Today is my birthday. It is also my double Birthday as I have been born again into the family of God on this day! I dont think theres any word in the universal language that can truly convey how happy and thank- ful I am today!75'