My Lord, My God

Susie Cua


Have you ever prayed the Lord’s Prayer and felt like every word spoke directly to your heart? The Lord’s Prayer is more than just words – it is a heartfelt conversation with God. It’s a reminder that no matter where we are, in times of plenty or struggle, His kingdom, justice, and grace remain unshakable.

My Lord, My God

O How You Love Me!


You are the Way

Yet I went astray


You are the Truth

Yet the eyes did not see, the ears did not hear, the heart did not understand 


You are the Life

Yet You died for me


You are invisible

Yet You came in human form


You are Light

Yet You came into a world of darkness


You sit enthroned through all generations

Yet You emptied Yourself to be a bondservant


You are King of kings, and Lord of lords

Yet You came to serve me


You are Love

Yet despised and rejected


You spoke the world into being

Yet remained silent, falsely accused by the ones You have created


You and the Father are one

Yet You were forsaken, for the iniquities of us all were laid upon you


You are the Great Shepherd

Yet You are also the lamb who was sacrificed for me


You were mocked, pierced, scorned, stricken, slain

And found worthy to open the scroll and break the seals; 

Worthy to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing


My Lord, My God

How can I comprehend the depth of Your love?


My Lord, My God 

Teach me to love You with all of my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength


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