祈祷退修会 Prayer Retreat 2015


九月份同时也是教会的祷告月。鼓励大家在九月里,每天至少祷告十分钟,参加每周三的祷告会,并参加九月十二日早上8 到12 点的祷告退修会。

9/12/2015 Schedule

Turn off your all mobile devices before you enter the sanctuary. Absolutely no phones for 4 hours.

8:00-8:30  安静等候 Silent meditation.

Come to the sanctuary and find yourself a place to sit. Focus your spirit and mind on God. You may pray through ACTS in silence or meditate upon a Bible passage.

8:30-9:00   敬拜赞美 Worship.

Our praise team will lead us in a time of corporate worship. We’ll praise the Lord and lift up his holy name.

9:00-11:00  个人祈祷时间 Individual Prayer Time.

Each person finds a place so he/she can pray undisturbed for two hours. Sanctuary pews, classrooms and fellowship room are available for participants to use. The rule of thumb is one person one pew. In case of high attendance two persons will share one pew. Each couple, if they prefer to pray together, may use one classroom. You may also choose other places.

You may use your Bible and prayer book during this period. A good way to spend this two hours is systematically praying through C.H.R.I.S.T.

11:00-11:30  Prayer Rally. 

This is a time to bear each other’s burden through prayers. We’ll ask people to voluntarily share his/her needs or life goals and invite participants to pray for him/her.

11:30-12:00  敬拜赞美 Worship.

We’ll end the retreat with our eyes focus on the Lord through singing and praising.

禁食祷告 Fast

For anyone one who intends to participate in this weekend’s Prayer Retreat the following is an explanation regarding fast.

What is fast?

Fast is a period of time, without taking any food, you set aside in order to focus your mind and spirit on God.

Who should fast?

Fast is a personal choice. You may come to the prayer retreat fasting, you may come to the retreat not fasting. It’s totally optional.

How long should I fast?

It’s also totally optional. This time our church encourages 24-hour or 18-hour fast.  You may choose a 12-hour fast instead. It’s up to you. For people who is not experienced in fasting we don’t encourage any time over 24 hours.

Who should not fast?

People with some physical conditions. e.g. pregnancy, illness… etc. should not fast. If you’re currently taking medications you should consult your doctor before you start fasting.

May I drink water during fast?

Yes, you may drink water.

What about Bellman and SMC… fellowships? They have dinner Friday night.

For people who intends to fast but their fellowships have dinner programs, they can either:

  1. Not to eat during dinner time. Or
  2. Start fasting after dinner.

Fellowships with dinner programs should proceed as usual. Not everyone is fasting.

Some scripture passages I can read while fasting?

Here are some good ones:

Matthew 6:16-18
Isaiah 58:3-9
Acts 13:1-3
Psalms 1-150