A psalm of Jordan, A Linite

Jordan Lin

Have you ever wondered who holds the power over the universe, reigning with justice and mercy? In this poem, we glimpse the mighty LORD, whose glory makes the heavens and earth tremble!

1 Who is the LORD our God?

He reigns with justice and mercy over all the world.


2 The kings saw Him and bowed,

The gods thought of Him and cowered.

3 The trees stand before His glory,

The mountains and volcanoes spew out their possessions and shake in His presence.

4 The insects and choirs of men sing in unison,

The heavenly host proclaims His might.


5 The wicked and rebellious profane Your Name,

The deceitful says in his heart, “God does not see.”

6 Those people of evil will not see Your face,

You will give back what they have given to You.

7 But Your people will wear Your salvation as righteousness,

Your love and faithfulness will cover them.

8 We have been afflicted in Your Name,

But with Your hand You have rescued us.


9 The flowers of the field, they speak of His power.

Year after year, they tell of His strength.

10 The nations of people will bow before His Name,

The creatures of the earth will leap for joy.


11 Kneel before the LORD our God for who He is.

12 All of creation proclaims: “He reigns! He reigns!”



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