I-Shen Lai 賴伊瑄
群山歡唱,江河流溢恩典。罪得赦免,榮耀歸於耶和華,祂掌權直到永遠!Mountains sing, rivers overflow with grace. Sins are forgiven, and glory belongs to Yahweh, who reigns forever!
Ascribe greatness to God our Creator
Bring Him glory, all created ones
Call upon His name, all God’s children
Draw near to Him, all God’s people
Even the mountains and the hills sing His praises
Flowers and trees clap their hands and dance for His glory
Goodness and mercy flow from His throne, like rivers everlasting
His abundant love flows from the highest heavens, like fountains eternal
I am who I am, says the Lord
Jehovah, the One who was, and is, and is to come
Kings shall bow down before me
Lords shall kneel in my presence
My name, and only mine, shall be lifted high among the nations
No other gods shall be worshipped in all the earth
“Oh, Lord”, I cry out, “Forgive my iniquities, my arrogant pride, my worship of worldly treasures and false gods!”
“Please, God, lend me Your ear; I confess my sins and my rebellion, for they weigh me down like worthless idols!”
Quaking and trembling in the fear of the Lord, in the depths of my despair, I hear His tender voice,
“Repent, my child, and turn back to Me!”
Sins are wiped away and blotted out by the blood of Christ
Times of refreshing shall come from His salvation
Until the Messiah shall come again to reign over all heaven and earth
Victory over sin and death, He has already won
We are the body of Christ, redeemed by His blood, a royal priesthood, a chosen people for His own possession, to proclaim the
EXcellencies of Him who called us out of the darkness into His marvelous light
Yahweh is to be glorified in all the earth and among all creation!
Zion and all God’s people say: Hallelujah, Amen!
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