2019年的教會主題是「Koinonia 可宜挪尼亞」,這是一個希臘字,出自於聖經,意思是「共同體 common being」,描寫「一群人在基督裡共同生活」的狀態。
Koinonia 是名詞,指「共同的狀態」,在新約聖經出現了20次。另外一個名詞是 Koinonos(common being-er),指「夥伴、分享者」,出現了10次。動詞是 Koinoneo(make common),指「分享、有分於」,出現了8次。形容詞是Koinonikos,出現了一次。四個字加起來共在新約聖經出現了39次。以下是這39處的經文,按照希臘字分為四組。每一個關鍵字的後面附帶兩個英文翻譯,第一個是 New International Version,第二個是 New American Standard Bible。有時為了使意義更加清楚,還加上第三個英文翻譯 King James Version.
- Koinonia,名詞,20次
- Koinonos,名詞,10次
- Koinoneo,動詞,8次
- Koinonikos,形容詞,1次
可宜挪尼亞:在基督裡的共同生活 Koinonia: Life Together in Christ
一、koinonia:common being,名詞,20次
- Act 2:42 都恆心遵守使徒的教訓,彼此交接(Fellowship. Fellowship.),擘餅,祈禱。
- Rom 15:26 因為馬其頓和亞該亞人樂意湊出捐項(Make a contribution. Make a contribution.)給耶路撒冷聖徒中的窮人。
- 1Co 1:9 神是信實的,你們原是被他所召,好與他兒子我們的主耶穌基督一同得分(Fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord )。
- 5. 1Co 10:16 我們所祝福的杯,豈不是同領基督的血(Participation in the blood of Christ. Sharing in the blood of Christ.)嗎?我們所擘開的餅,豈不是同領基督的身體(Participation in the body of Christ. Sharing in the body of Christ.)嗎?
- 2Co 6:14 你們和不信的原不相配,不要同負一軛。義和不義有什麼相交呢?光明和黑暗有什麼相通(What fellowship can light have with darkness? What fellowship can light have with darkness?)呢?
- 2Co 8:4 再三的求我們,准他們在這供給聖徒的恩情上有分(The privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people. The favor of participation in the support of the saints)。
- 2Co 9:13 他們從這供給的事上得了憑據,知道你們承認基督順服他的福音,多多的捐錢給他們(Your generosity in sharing with them. The liberality of your contribution to them.)和眾人,便將榮耀歸與神。
- 2Co 13:14 願主耶穌基督的恩惠、神的慈愛、聖靈的感動(The fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit. ),常與你們眾人同在!
- Gal 2:9 又知道所賜給我的恩典,那稱為教會柱石的雅各、磯法、約翰,就向我和巴拿巴用右手行相交之禮(The right hand of fellowship. The right hand of fellowship.),叫我們往外邦人那裡去,他們往受割禮的人那裡去。
- Eph 3:9 又使眾人都明白,這歷代以來隱藏在創造萬物之神裡的奧秘是如何安排(The administration of this mystery. The administration of this mystery. The fellowship of this mystery. KJV)的,
- Php 1:5 因為從頭一天直到如今,你們是同心合意的興旺福音(Your partnership in the gospel. Your participation in the gospel. Your fellowship in the gospel. KJV)。
- Php 2:1 所以,在基督裡若有什麼勸勉,愛心有什麼安慰,聖靈有什麼交通(Common sharing in the Spirit. Fellowship of the Spirit.),心中有什麼慈悲憐憫,
- Php 3:10 使我認識基督,曉得他復活的大能,並且曉得和他一同受苦(Participation in his sufferings. The fellowship of His sufferings.),效法他的死,
- Phm 1:6 願你與人所同有的信心(Your partnership with us in the faith. The fellowship of your faith.)顯出功效,使人知道你們各樣善事都是為基督做的。
- Heb 13:16 只是不可忘記行善和捐輸的事(Do not forget to do good and to share with others. Do not neglect doing good and sharing.);因為這樣的祭,是神所喜悅的。
- 18. 1Jn 1:3 我們將所看見、所聽見的傳給你們,使你們與我們相交(Fellowship. Fellowship.)。我們乃是與父並他兒子耶穌基督相交(Fellowship. Fellowship.)的。
- 1Jn 1:6 我們若說是與神相交(Fellowship. Fellowship.),卻仍在黑暗裡行,就是說謊話,不行真理了。
- 1Jn 1:7 我們若在光明中行,如同神在光明中,就彼此相交(Fellowship. Fellowship.),他兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪。
二、 koinonos:Common being-er,名詞,10次
- Mat 23:30 『若是我們在我們祖宗的時候,必不和他們同流先知的血(We would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets. We would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.)。』
- Luk 5:10 他的夥伴(Partners. Partners.)西庇太的兒子雅各、約翰,也是這樣。耶穌對西門說:「不要怕!從今以後,你要得人了。」
- 1Co 10:18 你們看屬肉體的以色列人,那吃祭物的豈不是在祭壇上有分(Participate in the altar. Sharers in the altar.)嗎?
- 1Co 10:20 我乃是說,外邦人所獻的祭是祭鬼,不是祭神。我不願意你們與鬼相交(Participants with demons. Sharers in demons.)。
- 2Co 1:7 我們為你們所存的盼望是確定的,因為知道你們既是同受苦楚(Share in our sufferings. Sharers of our sufferings),也必同得安慰。
- 2Co 8:23 論到提多,他是我的同伴(Partner. Partner.),一同為你們勞碌的。論到那兩位兄弟,他們是眾教會的使者,是基督的榮耀。
- Phm 1:17 你若以我為同伴(Partner. Partner.),就收納他,如同收納我一樣。
- Heb 10:33 一面被毀謗,遭患難,成了戲景,叫眾人觀看;一面陪伴那些受這樣苦難的人(Stood side by side with those who were so treated. Becoming sharers with those who were so treated.)。
- 1Pe 5:1 我這作長老、作基督受苦的見證、同享後來所要顯現之榮耀的(Share in the glory to be revealed. Partaker of the glory that is to be revealed),勸你們中間與我同作長老的人。
- 2Pe 1:4 因此,他已將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,叫我們既脫離世上從情慾來的敗壞,就得與神的性情有分(Participate in the divine nature. Partakers of the divine nature.)。
三、koinoneo:make common,動詞,8次
- Rom 12:13 聖徒缺乏要幫補(Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Contributing to the needs of the saints.);客要一味的款待。
- Rom 15:27 這固然是他們樂意的,其實也算是所欠的債;因外邦人既然在他們屬靈的好處上有分(For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings. For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual things.),就當把養身之物供給他們。
- Gal 6:6 在道理上受教的,當把一切需用的供給施教的人(Share all good things with their instructor. Share all good things with the one who teaches him.)。
- Php 4:15 腓立比人哪,你們也知道我初傳福音離了馬其頓的時候,論到授受的事,除了你們以外,並沒有別的教會供給我(Not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only. No church sharedwith me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone)。
- 1Ti 5:22 給人行按手的禮,不可急促;不要在別人的罪上有分(Do not share in the sins of others. Do not…share responsibility for the sins of others.),要保守自己清潔。
- Heb 2:14 兒女既同有血肉之體,他也照樣親自成了血肉之體(He too shared in their humanity. He Himself likewise also partook of the same.),特要藉著死敗壞那掌死權的,就是魔鬼。
- 1Pe 4:13 倒要歡喜;因為你們是與基督一同受苦(Participate in the sufferings of Christ. Share the sufferings of Christ.),使你們在他榮耀顯現的時候,也可以歡喜快樂。
- 2Jn 1:11 因為問他安的,就在他的惡行上有分(Shares in their wicked work. Participates in his evil deeds.)。
四、koinonikos:common being,形容詞,1次
- 1Ti 6:18 又要囑咐他們行善,在好事上富足,甘心施捨,樂意供給人(Willing to share. Ready to share)。