
Eric Wu


四年前,當我來到CBCWLA時,我正處於人生的最低谷。我的婚姻出現了問題,導致我與神的關係也受到了影響。感謝神的恩典和憐憫,祂醫治了我們內心的創傷,幫助我們和好,並在今年賜給了我們Baby Luke。但這是另一個故事了。今天,我想分享神如何幫助我看清自己是多麼有罪和驕傲,看到福音是多麼無價,以及如何成為一個忠實的僕人。









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Thankful for God’s Sovereignty

Eric Wu

I am thankful for a lot of things this year.  I am thankful for my wonderful son, Luke; thankful for the best wife in the world, Tracy; thankful for all the brothers and sisters in my fellowship and in the church; and thankful for Pastor Mickey and Shimu; and thankful for God bringing me and my family to CBCWLA.  But most importantly, this year, I am thankful for God’s sovereignty, thankful for God showing me how priceless the Gospel is, and thankful for God teaching me how to be a faithful servant. 

When I came to CBCWLA four years ago, I was at the lowest point in my life.  I was having marital problems and, because of that, my relationship with God also suffered.  Thanks to the grace and mercy of God, He healed the wounds in our hearts, helped us reconcile to each other, and, this year, gave us baby Luke.  But that’s a story for another time.  Today, I want to share how God helped me see how sinful and arrogant I was, how priceless the Gospel is, and how to be a faithful servant.    

In my previous church, I was one of those people who was involved in almost everything and spent on average twenty to thirty hours weekly on church related things.  The pastor at that church once asked me, “What makes you want to spend so much time at church?”  I said, “Because of what Jesus did for me.  Even though He was without sin, He died on the cross for my sins and washed me white as snow.  I’m indebted to Jesus.  Because He gave His life for me, I ought to give my life to Him.”  Which, to be honest, I thought was a pretty good answer, but, to my surprise, my pastor told me to be careful.  He warned me that serving God should be motivated by the joy of receiving salvation and not by feeling indebted to God.  At that time, I wasn’t sure what he meant, but, this year, God taught me what my pastor meant.  It wasn’t a particular sermon, a particular Bible study, or a particular daily devotion, but it was a combination of attending weekly Sunday Worship, studying the Bible in fellowship weekly, going to the retreat, and reading His Word daily.  And I realized that, indeed, I was serving Him with the wrong heart. 

First, I realized that when I served Him with a feeling of being indebted, it affected my relationship with God and with my brothers and sisters.  When everything goes well, I am tempted to be arrogant.  “See, this is why God saved me.”  On the other hand, when things don’t go well, I am tempted to be angry at myself and at those around me.  “I have failed God.  He saved me.  He gave me his life, but I couldn’t even do anything for Him.  I owe Him so much, yet I couldn’t even do this little thing for Him.”  When I am motivated by feeling indebted to God, my eyes are focused on me, on what I can do, rather than on God, on what He has done.  A couple of weeks ago, when brother Alex preached on the difference between “accumulating merits” and “faith”, I realized that serving with a feeling of being indebted, with a feeling of trying to pay off my debt to Jesus is just another way of “accumulating merits”. 

Second, by serving Him with a feeling of being indebted, I also cheapen the Gospel.  Let me explain with an analogy.  Imagine one day, the president of the United States gives you the Hope Diamond.  For those who don’t know, the Hope Diamond is a 45-carat diamond valued at about 300 million.  How would you have reacted?  Would you have said, “Geez, Mr. President, that is so generous of you.  How about I treat you to the McDonalds that’s just around the corner?” This reaction would have cheapened the Hope Diamond and the nice gesture by the President.  Similarly, when I serve God out of a feeling of being indebted, I cheapen the Gospel and I cheapen Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.  There’s nothing I can do, except to simply believe, receive, and thank God for what He has done.  Focusing on myself, focusing on how I’m indebted to God, and how I ought to do only cheapen God’s grace. 

Recently, we read Luke 20:19-26, the passage on whether one should pay taxes to Caesar.  We discussed the difference between “paying taxes” and “rendering to God the things that are God’s”.  When a person pays taxes, you think of the money as your own, and you’re giving your own money away.  On the other hand, Jesus is telling us to think about what things are God’s.  It helped me realize that in the past, when I served out of feeling indebted, I was thinking of my time, my money, my talents, as “mine”, and not as God’s.  But if I serve by focusing on God and focusing on what God has given me, I realize that God has given me everything in my life, and since I received them freely, I should freely give them away. 

Let me give a couple of examples.  I am really thankful for Luke.  He has been an amazing baby.  He eats so well and sleeps so well.  Because of how well-behaving he is, I had a lot of extra time and energy that I did not think I would have.  When I served out of feeling indebted to God, I would tell myself that I ought to give some of this extra time and energy to God and, then, have some time for myself.  It’s as if I’ve earned this extra time and energy, and these extra time and energy are mine to decide what to do.  But, I did not earn this extra time and energy.  It is God’s grace and mercy.  It is God’s grace that Luke is so wonderful.  Since God has freely given me these extra time and energy, I can freely give them away by serving God and serving others.  I am also really thankful for Tracy.  She has been amazing at taking care of Luke and sharing the burden.  As a result, I have some extra time which I can use to serve her, such as spending extra time preparing her favorite meals or doing all the chores around the house, so that she has more time to rest. 

Instead of serving out of feeling indebted, I now serve out of being thankful to God, out of God’s abundant grace and mercy.  I serve out of knowing that God has freely given me everything in my life.  As Paul said 2 Corinthians 9:9, “As it is written, ‘He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.’”  Thank God for showing me how to be a cheerful giver, and teaching me how to serve out of the joy of receiving God’s salvation.



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