
马可福音 12:1-17

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耶稣 万国的盼望
Hope Of The Nations
词曲:Brian Doerksen
© 2002 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI #3540703

verse 1:
Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, comfort for all who mourn
You are the source of heaven’s hope on earth
耶稣 万国的盼望
耶稣 忧伤者的安慰

verse 2:
Jesus, light in the darkness
Jesus, truth in each circumstance
You are the source of heaven’s light on earth
耶稣 黑暗中的光
耶稣 现实中的真理

In history You lived and died
You broke the chains, You rose to life
因你为我 道成肉身
断开黑暗 复活得胜

chorus 1:
You are the hope living in us
You are the rock in whom we trust
You are the light shining for all the world to see
你是我神 永住我心
你是磐石 我所倚靠
你是真光 照亮在全世界之上

chorus 2:
You rose from the dead conquering fear
Our Prince of Peace drawing us near
Jesus our hope living for all who will receive
Lord we believe
你已经复活 战胜惧怕
和平君王 领我亲近
耶稣我主 你是我永活的盼望

阅读马可福音灵修笔记 23(王文堂牧师)