1950 Sawtelle (教会对面红楼)停车软件设定 parking software setup



若街边已无车位,可以停至教会对面1950 Sawtelle办公大楼,停车入口在La Grange Ave。在此处停车需透过手机注册新帐号(一次性)。手机认证注册后可以输入车牌号,以后就可以自由进出停车场不需取卡。聚会结束后请记得在会堂门口刷validation的二维码来折抵停车费。(请参考软件设定细节

Brothers, sisters and visitors of the church can use the parking structure in the red office building cross the street when there is no other free parkin option. To park in this building, you will need to set up an account with your phone (one time setup). If you park there, please remember to scan a validation QR code after the service (you may ask the ushers to find it). The church will cover the entire parking fee during this reopen period, and reassess after a few months to see if any change is needed.

We suggest brothers and sisters set up the account first even when you don’t need to use it now. That way when you do need to use the lot, you can just drive in without worrying about creating an account.

Below is the setup workflow:


Set up your account using the link below:



Enter your cellphone number to receive an authentication code



After your number has been authenticated, enter your personal info and car info. You can skip the credit card part. When you drive in, your car will be recognized by its license plate number, and start the time counter.


After the service, remember to scan the validation QR code by the meeting hall entrance near where the ushers are. The parking page will show that the discount has been applied after you scanned the QR code. When you drive off your car, the system will calculate and validate the expense.