











His Devoted Slave 

Tony Porras 

For His Name’s Sake, I delight in my unconditional surrender to His will every wakeup, and trust in Him, and thrive, as a result. 

This is who, and what I am, His devoted slave. 

January 2017, I responded to an invitation to attend church, immediately became a nice Christian, until the love and compassion (alien experiences for me) overwhelmed me and I announced to my Pastor, “You are my Pastor and this is my Home Church, I want in, where do I sign?” 

I decided then and there I would attach myself to the men and one woman (the wife of one of the men), and observe and mimic their behavior, responses, and attitudes, and along the way they each helped me in their own way to grow and develop maturity (which I was sorely lacking in). 

I tagged along with one brother every summer since (except 2020 due to Covid 19) to the YSMP, where we served the Apache people, and where I developed a love and desire for more missionary work. 

Through His love I learned and prayed for and now put in practice Agape, which has helped me tremendously in the field, doing things contrary to my nature, and overcoming discomfort, and reveling in privation and hardship.  

A friend from my church whom I met at YSMP approached me one day after Sunday School, at the lunch tables. He told me he was putting together a team to evangelize, train and develop disciples, and church plant. 

Within myself I realized that this is what I NEED to do, so I said yes, I would be honored to be included. Being our destination is Wuhan, China, my friend is currently teaching me Chinese biblical words (terms?), combining them in evangelical statements and questions, and Mandarin songs. My desire is Mandarin fluency, to enable me to do my part in His work. 

The same type of love I have for the Apache people is only enhanced for Chinese people in general, and Wuhan residents in particular. 

I am currently praying for His perfect (not permissive) will to send me to retire in Wuhan, get a green card, and serve Him there for the next 30-40 years, should He permit to serve Him that long. This is my ultimate desire and supplication to His Majesty Jesus. 


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