










感谢耶稣,第三次把我寻回,回应了我内心的这份感动。大学毕业,我跟着同学们一起申请出国读书。起初我是想申请硕士,最后却意外读了博士,还意外地来到了洛杉矶。现在回头看,这都不是意外,是神伟大的安排。借由在这里读博士班,我能够在这个认真学习圣经的教会待好几年,更因为博士班单纯的生活,让我能心无旁骛地去接受建造。神透过一次次的聚会、团契、查经班、还有门徒训练,逐渐更新我的内心。现在我终于懂得要一心追寻耶稣,并看重我跟耶稣的关系,胜于世上的一切。回顾过去几年,我认为在实验室学习做研究、拿学位都只是其次。我最大的收获,就是能有这样一段完整的时间去学习神的话语、学习如何做主门徒,并跟神建立一个美好的关系。神让我真实去经历到了,要先去求祂的国和祂的义,而其他的神都会加给我们。博士班这几年非常忙碌、充满著各种挑战,但我的内心满有平安、喜乐与盼望。这是曾经的我,在离弃神时所无法感受、甚至想像的。这就如腓立比书 4:7所说:「神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。」





Testimony of Jason Lin

Jesus once said: “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Today, I want to share three instances when Jesus sought and found me in my life.

The first time Jesus sought me was when I was born. I was born in a Christian family. I began reading the Bible and attending Sunday school as a child. I am grateful that God prepared a nurturing environment for me to know and follow Him at such a young age. However, I did not truly understand the teachings of the Bible. Even though I learned them, my understanding was superficial, and I didn’t sincerely follow Jesus or live out the Bible’s teachings. I also failed to establish a good relationship with God.

Instead, I often followed the world in pursuing fame and wealth rather than seeking the Savior, Jesus Christ. In this process, I felt lost. Although I achieved some of the successes I desired, the fleeting joy was followed by immense pressure and insecurity—fearing I couldn’t maintain my glory or attain the next success.

The second time Jesus sought me was when I was in my junior year of college. During my junior year of college, I felt deeply lost. One day, I prayed to God, saying, “Lord, I want to trust in You, but I am unsure if You truly exist. Please respond to my prayer.” I am grateful that God answered me when my faith was weak. The very next day, while eating lunch in the cafeteria, two brothers in Christ approached me and asked if I wanted to learn more about Jesus.

After being found by Jesus for the second time, I began attending Sunday services and fellowship more regularly. However, my heart was still attached to worldly things, and I didn’t genuinely pursue the Lord Jesus. My understanding of the Bible remained shallow and even incorrect. Even so, I thank God for placing a stirring in my heart at that time—an awareness that my faith was not in a good state and I was longing for a turning point.

Jesus responded to the movement in my heart as he sought and found me for the third time. After graduating from college, I applied to study abroad with my classmates. Initially, I aimed to apply for a master’s degree but unexpectedly ended up pursuing a Ph.D. in Los Angeles. Looking back from today, I finally understand that this wasn’t a coincidence—it was God’s grand plan. By studying in a doctoral program here, I had the opportunity to spend several years in this church, which diligently studies the Bible. Furthermore, life as a Ph.D. student has few distractions, allowing me to focus on spiritual growth. Through countless gatherings, fellowships, Bible study sessions, and discipleship training, God gradually renewed my heart. Now, I’ve learned to wholeheartedly pursue Jesus and prioritize my relationship with Him above all else. Looking back, I realize that learning to conduct research and earn a degree was secondary. My greatest gain was the time to study God’s Word, learn how to be a disciple, and build a relationship with Him. God allowed me to truly experience the truth of Matthew 6:33: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Although my doctoral studies were busy and challenging, my heart was filled with peace, joy, and hope—something I couldn’t feel or even imagine when I was away from God. As Philippians 4:7 says, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Although I read this verse as a child, I never truly sought Jesus. Arrogantly, I believed I could carve out my own way, discover my own truth, and define my own life. Now, looking back at my past, I see a person who was self-righteous and displeasing to God. But more importantly, I see God’s immense love and grace. Despite my repeated disobedience, God did not cast me away. Instead, He patiently sought me again and again. The Bible tells a parable of a prodigal son—a younger son who asked his father for his share of the inheritance and left to live recklessly. After squandering everything and falling into poverty, he finally decided to return and confess his wrongdoings to his father. Instead of rebuking him, the father welcomed him with open arms and even held a feast to celebrate his return.

This parable reflects how Jesus treats us. God allowed me to explore my own path, knowing that my pride needed to be broken through trial and error before I could genuinely repent and humbly return to Him. And when I truly repented, God, like the father in the parable, immediately embraced and accepted me with open arms. I am deeply moved by God’s love that surpasses all understanding and have decided to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Thanks to God’s faithfulness, patience, and compassion, I can share His power in my life today. May all glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ.



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