b'kids. I had a student namedi m p o r t a n t t o k n o w. T h e Isabel.ShewasoneofmymemoryversewasRomans TAsnieces.Shewasreally12:2. The Pre-K version says, quietandseemedlikesheLearn about God. Choose to wasnt focused on what I wasObey Him I would ask them teaching.HerAuntwouldLearn about who? and they always dote on her to focuswould say Jesus!, which is in class.the Sunday School answer. I would tell them that theyre t e c h n i c a l l y c o r r e c t , b u t theanswerImlookingfor isGod.Iwouldalsoask them Choose to obey who? and mos tofthemwoul d answerGod.Ilaugheda littlebecausethatwasthe previousanswer,buttold Throughoutthethreethem the memory verse said days, I decided that if thereHim. We did this a couple was anything I wanted themoftimesbeforeitwastime t o r e m e m b e r f r o m V B S ,for Snacks. It seemed like a itwasthegospelandourlotofthemwerentpaying theme memory verse. I tookattention,butIneededto about five minutes each daytrust that God was working in to repeat the memory versetheir hearts to remember our to them over and over again.memory verse. Iknewtheywereget tingI t h i t t h e f i n a l d a y tiredofit,butIwantedtoofVBSanditwassor tof make sure they knew it wasdishear tening.Halfofmy 96'