b"significance of the necklace.obedient children, managing Hesaiditwasmadebyhishis household well, etc.All father when he was a child,theseweredescriptorsto andhewastogiveittoaportray the character of the manthathetrusted,whenpastor.However,thereis t h e t i m e c a m e . A n d h eonly one requirement that is decided it was me. not a character trait, rather Iwast akenabac k .Iitisagif t/skill:ableto immediatelyfeltunworthyteach.Aspecificskillthat of such a gesture, especiallydeacons dont have to have, sincehehadknownmeforthough they have to have all suchashor ttime.ButIthe same character traits as receivedithumbly.Andan elder.thanked God as well. That was when I realized ItwasonlylaterthatIGod'samazinggraceinhis connectedtheselasttwoaf f ir mati o n. I ha d b e en incidents with one of the latebattling being left out of the nighttalksIhadwithDC,harvest, and having the sin of who was my roommate.DCjealousy and envy during the had just graduated seminary,latter portion of YSMP.Yet andIwasstillstudyingatGodwouldstillgivemeHis G a t e w a y S e m i n a r y. W ePardoning grace:a Christian discussedourplanswithcouple to affirm my ability hope,inChris t.Andwet o t ea c h , a n d A m a r e, a werediscussing1Timothymemberoftheirchurchto and Titus, the qualificationstrust in my character.God ofbeinganelder/pastor:was using the Native Apache husband of one wife, havingchurch to say clearly, Ryan, 66"