b'to create two ad hoc teaching sessions (due to unforeseen circumstances, I was forced tocreatelessonsthenight before): an Evangelism class, and an Outdoor Mediation; as well as a Testimony Sharing. T h e p r o c e s s o f c r e a t i n g thematerialtoteachwas sheerly by Gods grace.For example,Christvisitedme onamountaintopandthe Spirit would inspire me from His first revelation (creation) & then by His second/written revelation (Scripture).MY SIN & DOUBT: My Affirmation: Gods GraceAs you heard from my sisterscamps,craf ts,VBS,anda and DC before me, the churchmovienight.Weloveone (both CBC and C3) worked inanother, as Christ loved us, unity with one another.Weandwelovedandreached humblyservedtheApacheouttoourneighbors.And community of White River forby Gods grace, the greatest that week with Bible Studies,n u m b e r o f p e o p l e c a m e cookingclasses,basketballtotheWhiteRiverBaptist 63'