b'menteachersthanApachethoughtmyteachingwas men visitors.Dont get megood.Andtheygaveme wrong, I still enjoyed workingtheir email address so I could withthewomen,buttheresend them further lessons I was a cultural gender barrierhad in the future.I thanked present. the couple and praised God By the end of YSMP, deepfor that affirmation.down inside, I felt I was being left out of the major harvest thatGodhadorchestrated becauseIhadnotbrought a single person to Christ.I even felt jealous and envious of my brethren who seemed tobedoingthissoeasily and in droves.I was on the mission field, and I felt like IwasntaccomplishingtheSoonafter,Imetwith GreatCommission.IwasAmare, a 18 year old young disheartened. manwhowasamemberat ButGoddidsomethingWhite River Baptist Church. wonderful on the last day ofHehadinteractedwithme YSMP.AChristianmarriedandsatundersomeofmy couple who had come to theteaching.When he came up Adult Bible Study gave me atomeonthelastnight,he football ceramic snack dish.gavemeaDreamCatcher Andtheysaidtheywantednecklace.Ithankedhimas to give it to me because theywell,butaskedaboutthe 65'