b'Whenitwasherturn, she started to get shy. So, I startedtosaythememory verse with her. I said Learn a n d s h e s a i dL e a r n . I saidabout,andshesaid about. As I was going to say God, I gave her a reassuring smile.Shethenrecitedthe restofthememoryverse, withoutmyhelp.Istood thereinshockandfeltjoy fill my soul. She was payingGod always has our back. attentionduringclassandThroughout YSMP, many s h e h a d m e m o r i z e d t h eo f t h e q u i e t e r k i d s w h o memory verse. I felt myselfprofessedtheirfaithwould grinandtoldher,Goodbe the ones who surprised us job!.Wes atbac kdownthe most. It reminded me of andherauntthankedme.1 King 19:11-12, which says:She really appreciated what T h e n a g r e a t a n d Ihaddoneforherniece.Ip o w e r f u l w i n d t o r e t h e nodded my head and smiledmountains apart and shattered but thought, no. This wasntthe rocks before the Lord, but me. This was God working inthe Lord was not in the wind. my classroom and working inAfterthewindtherewasan Isabeltobeabletorepeatearthquake, but the Lord was the memory verse in front ofnotintheearthquake.After everyone. To show that I hadthe earthquake came a fire, but nothing to worry about andthe Lord was not in the fire. 98'