b'Ipardonyouofyoursinofequip the saints (Eph. 4:12).env yandjealousy.AndIThe last thing I want to amemPoweringyoutobepointout:IrantoAmare a Pa s t o r/ Tea c h e r f o r mya f t e r h e l e f t t h e c h u r c h church.You may not alwayspremises.I felt compelled to beabletodotheworkofgive him something that was theministry[e.g.harvest,of worth, back to him.And c o o k i n g / h o s p i t a l i t y ]themostimportantthingI though it is good you have ahad was the limited edition heart for it because I haveGateway Seminary SF Giants specifically called you out toBaseball Cap that I got during 67'