





       这样的状态持续了大约半个月,直到神再次用祂的话开启我的心。那天晚上我失眠到两点,就起来读《犹大书》。读著读著,神的话再一次临到我:「 从前主救了他的百姓出埃及地,后来就把那些不信的灭绝了。这一切的事你们虽然都知道,我却仍要提醒你们。」(犹大书1:5)当我读到这里,我直接跪下向神认罪,求神饶恕我的小信和疑惑,我没有真实地信靠,而是一直活在自己的里面。我说:「主啊,求你把我的小信挪去,用喜乐的心和喜乐的灵充满我,求神将信心放在我里面。」神给了我这些经文,我从此以后再也没有因为软弱而掉眼泪,我不再注目在这个苦难上,而是仰望神。耶和华是大神。我相信主在十字架上已经替我担当了一切。因他受的刑罚,我们得平安,因他流的宝血,洗净我一切的罪。马可福音16:17-18说「信的人必有神蹟随着他们,就是奉我的名赶鬼,说新方言,手按病人,病人就必好了。」




       随之而来的另一个副作用是嗓子沙哑,在吃药的几个月里,副作用使我的嗓子逐渐沙哑,平时在家几乎只能用气音说话,女儿说这是「宝娟嗓」。我每天非常沮丧,因为我在诗班服事,如果嗓子没有声音,还能如何服事呢?但神的恩典够用,每逢主日我的嗓子并不沙哑,虽然声音比平常小些,但足以唱诗。10月23日,团契安排我在祷告会带领敬拜,我切切地向神祷告:「主啊,求你开启我的声音,你能让哑巴开口说话,也能开我的嗓子,奉主的名宣告,把我的声音开了吧! 」当我上台带领敬拜时,神果真医治了我,祷告会上我的嗓子被神打开了,从此以后完全好了,再也不沙哑了。我凭著神给我的信心,又一次经历了神的大能。感谢神,在整个治疗的过程中,除了住院那个主日,其他时间我都没有缺席诗班的服事和每周日下午的练习。神用祂的手给我力量和信心,让我能站立得住,祂亲自坚固我,坚固祂手所做的工。


Thank God for His grace. Today, I am here to share with you my personal experience of God’s presence and healing. The God we believe in is real, and we are in His reality. Every one of our prayers and every step of growth in faith testifies to God’s wonderful works. May God use my testimony and the way He has led and worked in my life to encourage more brothers and sisters who are experiencing similar things, for God’s grace is sufficient.

One day in March this year, while praying at home, a thought came to my heart: “This is measured and given to you by the Lord.” At the time, I didn’t fully understand what it meant, so I kept seeking God about it. Little did I know that this would mark the beginning of an experience where I would walk with the Lord every day, every moment, and experience Him more deeply.

In April, I received the results of my physical examination, which showed a 4cm tumor on my pancreas. After a series of tests, the doctor confirmed that it was a recurrence of the kidney tumor I had eight years ago, which had now metastasized to the pancreas and lungs. That day, upon hearing the news, my daughter told me that she had been praying for my tests, and God had revealed to her a verse from the Bible, which she used to comfort me: “If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” At that moment, however, I didn’t take the verse to heart. The results left me at a loss; my physical discomfort and inner weakness intertwined, and I would often cry during prayer, during worship at home, and even after Sunday services. Every day, I would find some comfort when I thought of God. He spoke to me through His words, saying, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm.” His words gave me strength. But whenever I thought of my condition, I felt powerless and despondent, with emotions constantly rising and falling.

I prayed to God, saying, “My life is not in the doctor’s hands; my life is in the hands of the Lord. I ask only for Your salvation.” Yet, I felt trapped in my circumstances, unable to break free. Until one day, during prayer, a thought came to me: “This illness will not end in death; it is for the glory of God, so that God’s Son may be glorified through it. If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” I turned around, but there was no one there, and I wondered: Who was speaking? However, amidst the ongoing physical and mental struggles, I still didn’t hold onto this word. This state continued for about half a month until God once again used His word to open my heart. One night, unable to sleep, I got up at two o’clock and began to read the Book of Jude. As I read, God’s word came to me once again: Jude 1:5 says, “Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord at one time delivered His people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe.”

When I read this, I knelt down and repented before God, asking Him to forgive my lack of faith and my doubts. I had not truly trusted Him and was trapped in my own thoughts. I said, “Lord, remove my unbelief, and fill me with a joyful heart and spirit. Place Your faith within me.” God gave me these verses, and from that moment on, I no longer shed tears of weakness. I stopped focusing on the suffering and instead looked to God. The Lord is the Almighty. I believe that the Lord has already borne everything for me on the cross. “The punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

Mark 16:17-18 says, “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

From that moment on, I learned to hold tightly to God’s promises, to trust Him, to look beyond the immediate suffering, and to submit to Him, looking to Jesus Christ, who was crucified for me and rose from the dead. He is beyond measure. In the days of waiting for insurance and the doctor’s treatment plan, God healed my inner weakness. Then, He began to heal my physical weakness as well.

Because the tumor was on the pancreas, I began to experience digestive issues before starting medication, such as loss of appetite, persistent bloating, and the accompanying pain. It was very uncomfortable. I would go out every day to share the gospel, but my physical discomfort brought great challenges and obstacles. One evening, while sharing the gospel, my bloating became so severe that I could hardly walk. I prayed to God, “Lord, save me! I am on the street sharing the gospel in Your name. My Lord would not let me fall here.” Thank the Lord; He heard my prayer, and in His own way and time, He healed me. After handing out tracts that day, the pain became even more intense, and I had to be hospitalized for three days. Miraculously, God used those three days to relieve me of the bloating and pain. Since then, it has rarely troubled me, with the symptoms gradually diminishing to almost nothing. I also thank God that Sister Lili from our church gave me two bottles of digestive system remedies, which helped me greatly. God is a God who hears prayers. He uses people to accomplish His work, fulfilling His plan through these things.

After that, I began treatment, but the medication caused some side effects. The day after my first immunotherapy shot, I felt joint pain all over my body, so severe that I couldn’t stand. At two o’clock in the morning, I couldn’t sleep due to the pain, so I got up to pray: “Satan has no hold on me. The One who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world. I live for the Lord.”

The next day, my legs were still hurting. That afternoon, it was time to go out and share the gospel, and I struggled in my heart. I prayed again: “Lord, my body is the temple of Your Holy Spirit. Please heal me so I can go out and share the gospel.” With God’s help, I went out without fear. After handing out tracts and returning, I noticed my legs felt much lighter. Every time I struggled with whether or not to go out to share the gospel, God led me to continue His mission with faith. Thank God, over time, the joint pain caused by immunotherapy was gradually healed by Him. By the time I received my second immunotherapy shot, I no longer experienced those side effects.

When I was feeling unwell, I often reminded myself that the God I believe in is the Almighty, the Great Physician, who is in control of everything. If He doesn’t allow it, such circumstances would not befall me. As Hebrews 11:6 says: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”

Another side effect that followed was a hoarse voice. During the few months of taking medication, my voice gradually weakened to the point where I could only speak in a whisper. My daughter jokingly called it my “Baojuan voice.” Every day I felt very discouraged, thinking, “How can I serve in the choir if I don’t have a voice?”

But God’s grace is sufficient. Strangely, on Sundays, my voice was not hoarse, though it was softer than usual. Still, it was enough to sing. On October 23, our fellowship arranged for me to lead worship at the prayer meeting. I earnestly prayed, “Lord, open my voice. You can make the mute speak, and You can open my throat. I proclaim in the name of the Lord, open my voice!” When I stood on the platform to lead worship, God truly healed me. My voice opened up during the prayer meeting, and since then, I have been completely healed; my voice is no longer hoarse. With the faith God has given me, I experienced His power once again. Thank God, throughout the treatment, I only missed choir service on the Sunday I was hospitalized. The rest of the time, I never missed a Sunday service or choir rehearsal. God gave me the strength and faith to stand firm. He strengthened me and sustained the work of His hands.

Throughout the entire treatment period, God showed miracles and displayed His power. His healing power was upon me. After four months of treatment, the size of the pancreatic tumor had reduced by two-thirds. Although I still experience occasional side effects, God is healing each one. Because of this, I truly experience Him every moment. Hallelujah! God is a healing God, my Savior. He has compassion on me and on each of His children. I have personally experienced His faithfulness, and His promises never fail. In April, God’s words came to my daughter, and the same words reminded me again in May: “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” I believe that just as He promised, so shall it be fulfilled. Amen!



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