b' 2020 20 22WORKERSBECOMING CHRISTLIKE FROM THE INSIDE OUT but theThe harvest is plentiful workers are fewtherefore, to send out work. Ask the Lers into his harvest field.ord of the harvest,2019 20202021202220232 0 1 KOINONIA 2021 2 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God,the LORD is one .Deuteronomy 6:49 PEOPLE 0 13:8GOD I have stored upyour word in my heartthat I might not sin against you.Psalms 119:11 2 35:3940Joinedtogether by Christ. True community in Christ. Real relationships through Christ koy-nohn-ee-ah2:41-42 6:1413:14 Therefore if you have anyencouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any Phil 2:1 COMMON SHARINGif any tenderness and compassion. in the Spirit,2:9 1:3If we claim to haveFELLOWSHIPwith him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie anddo not live out the truth.1 John 1:61:71:9Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanksA PARTICIPATIONin the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we breakA PARTICIPATIONin the body of Christ? 1 Corin 10:168:4 1:53:10-40 1:622:3715:26 YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD Lw L it h LOal y V ou E r hY ea O U nd Rw it N h a E l Iy G ou HB ul O R d wA ith Sa l Y l y OUm R ind. 13:16 This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: YOU SHA rt a (Mathew 2 r so an our SELF.On these two commandments depend al the Law and the Prophets. :37-40)95'