b"thenbecomingbouncyanda p p r e c i a t e o u r g r a c i o u s e n e r g e t i c t o d d l e r s , a n dHeavenly Father. I have also eventually, young children Ibeen attending the EC Prayer havetaughtintheChildrenMeetingforover20years Sunday School. I was blessedn o w. We p r a y e d f o r t h e t o h ave t h e o p p o r t u n i t yChildren'sMinistryallthe to s e r ve i n t h e C h i l d r e ntime.TheLordhasindeed M i n i s t r y f o r 1 2 f r u i t f u ltransformedtheirhearts, years.WhileIwasteachingbodies,minds,andsouls. thesechildren,IwasalsoA l m o s t a l l o f t h e m h av e learning from them. The Lordconfessed Jesus as their Lord hasindeedshoweredtheseandSavior.Manyofthem bright children with His love,have been baptized into the wisdom, and grace. Many offamily of our almighty God.thesechildrenhavegrown intofaithfulyoungadultsFast forward to 2023, these who love Jesus. delightfulchildrenhasnow grown into fine young ladies T h e s e c h i l d r e n m a ke m eandyoungmen.Manyof JT plays guitar while the children were singing53"