b' Joygospel.WhenIfirstvisitedcommunicatingthevalues CBCWLA during my interviewand vision of the church, as processIwasimpressedbywell as explore different ways how both English and Chinesewecanmoreintentionally congregations placed a highlive out these values in our valueonBiblepreaching,lives and ministries. Another t h i n g t h a t h a s r e m a i n e d t h e same is the united a n d su p p o r t i ve culture that I was f ir s timpres sed withamongthe leadership. I have teaching,andstudy.Iwaswitnessed that same culture e n c o u r a g e d t o f i n d t h a tof unity and support among theChineseCongregationm e m b e r s o f t h e E n g l i s h had a long-standing cultureCongregationaswell.That o f v a l u i n g s o l i d B i b l ekind of willingness to joyfully exposition, and encouragingsupporttheleadershipand maturity through intentionalbeunitedwitheachother andstructureddiscipleshipeven in difficult and divisive andeducation.Ihaveseentimesmarksusasuniquely theEnglishCongregationbelonging to Christ and is a grow more deeply into thesewitness to the world around values over the last severalu s . A s J e s u s s a i d t o h i s yearsaswehavetriedtodisciples,By this all people both do a better job explicitlywillknowthatyouaremyd14'