b' Joyuporgetbywithwhatwestrovetorespondnotwith werealreadyaccustomedpressurebutwithprayer; to,numerouspeoplecamenot with fear but with faith; t o g e t h e r t o s e t - u p t h enotwithdesperationbut technologyneededtohostwithdependenceonGod, s er v icesandfellowshipsthoughtful self-examination, o n l i n e , a n d t o l e a d a n dand encouragement of each serve from home. And I wasother.Withregardtothe regularly encouraged by thec h a l l e n g e o f e f f e c t i v e l y faithfulnessofsomanyofreaching out to others during ourcongregationmembersthe pandemic, we persisted who joined our services andi n f a i t h a n d G o d w a r d fellowshipsviaZoomweekorientation for many months, a f te r we e k , m o nt h a f te rand in the end God answered month. In fact, a number ofour prayers and honored our people who had moved awayhearts and began to bring us and could no longer join usnew friends.in-personwereenabledby theseonlineministriestoAmong the most encouraging stay connected and involvedareasofgrowthIveseen withourcommunit y.Andinthelas tsever alyear s whenwefacedconcerningc o m e f r o m th e f a c t that c h a l l e n g e s i n t h e m i d s tontopoftendingtoour ofthepandemicsuchasowncongregationsneeds theEnglishCongregationinthesechallengingtimes, notseeingnewbaptisms,ourchurchalsogrewmore newbelievers,orevennewe n g a g e d w i t h t h e n e e d s visitors for over a yearweo f o u r n e i g h b o r s . W e 12'