b'The LordsEnchanted GardenBy Vida Liu TimeflieswhenyouareFrances, Joshua and Jocelyn, havingfun.IhaveenjoyedEthan and Enoch, Lillian and aremarkabletimehereatMakayla, Josh and Justin Hsu, C B C W L A . I t h a s b e e n 2 3Jordan, and William, just to yearssincemydaughter,name a few. These adorable Janelle,andIfirstsetfootchildren have really touched intoourchurch.Whenwemyhear t.Watchingthem camein2000,thereweregrow up is like appreciating only a handful of children int h e b e a u t i f u l f l o w e r s both congregationsAcacia,b l o o m i n g i n t h e L o r d s Andrew,Lorraine,Janelle,enchanting garden. By Gods Karlandhislittlebrother,grace, CBCWLA has provided Ivan and Timothy with theira nurturing environment for little brother and sister. Wethesechildrentogrowin waited for several years untilwisdom and stature.theLordbegan to bless us withChildren are gifts from God many babies andwhobringsomuchjoyto youngchildren.ourchurch.Knowingmany F i r s t c a m eo f t h e m a s t i n y b a b i e s , 52'