b'2 0 1 KOINONIA 2019Koinonia 9 Joined together by Christ. True community in Christ.Real relationships through Christ koy-nohn-ee-ah2:41-42 :1 any comfort from his love, if any6:14 13 ifTherefore if you have any 4encouragement from being united with Christ,COMMON SHARING2:1in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion.Phil2:9 1 :3we claim to have with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie andIf FELLOWSHIPdo not live out the truth.1 John 1:61:7 sgiving for which we give thanks 1:9Is not the cup of thankA PARTICIPATION A PARTICIPATIONin the body of Christ?in the blood of10:16 Christ?And is not the bread that we break 81 C:4orin1:5 3:101:615:2613:16202020202021 202291'