b' Joysometimesthosedifferenttheyre in town. And in their o p i n i o n s w e r e s t r o n g l ywake,wesawGodraiseup held. But the disagreementsothers in the congregation to towhichIwasprivyweretake on leadership. At first it discussed and resolved withwas particularly challenging grace,humility,andlove.asallofthemembersof SometimesittookalotoftheEnglishMinistryTeam effortandtime,butitwaswho were there when I first always ultimately done fromjoinedthestafftookturns a posture of unity. This is asteppingdownforvarious testamenttothespiritualreasons.EvenIhadtostep maturity and unity in Christawayforafewweeksafter of the people who currentlym y d a u g h t e r N a o m i w a s lead the church. born.InGodsprovidence, wegraduallysawamixof TheEnglishCongregationoldandnewmembersjoin itself also faced a number oftheleadershipteam,each leadership transitions in myservingforaseason.Over firstyearonstaff.Severalthe last several years it has long-serving leaders in youthbeenmyprivilegetoserve andadultministrieseitherwith all the members of the stepped down to take a breakEnglishMinistryTeam,and or left the church altogether.witnessGodsworkinand Imgratefulthatthevastthrough the team and each of majorityofthosewholeft didsoongoodtermsand willstillreturntovisiton specialoccasionsorwhen 9'