b' Caothem are university students.EverytimeIthinkoftheir L i l l i a n a n d J o s h H s u a r eaccomplishments,Ipraise d e e p l y i n v o l v e d i n t h eo u r H e a v e n l y Fa t h e r f o r collegeministry,USCBET.theirlives.Alongwithall Ethan,Frances,andLillianthe young adults in EC, they have taught at YSMP. Francesa r e o u r f u t u r e. M a y t h e andLillianusedtoser veL ordcontinuetoshower intheWorshipTeamandthemwithHisendlesslove arenowdoingtheweeklyandblessings.Iwouldlike ann o un c em ent s . Fr an c estoclosewithaverseasan alsohelpsintheFirstFruitencouragement to them:Be Fellowship.Jordanwenttostrongandcourageous.Donot YSMP and has been attendingbe afraid or terrified because of thePrayerMeetings.Justinthem, for the Lord your God goes helps out in the EMT and AVwith you; He will never leave you teams.Theyareallservingnorforsakeyou.(Deuteronomy the Lord and contributing to3 1 : 6 ) M a y t h e l i v e s o u r our church. Praise God for allbeloved sisters and brothers of their service. liveglorif yoursovereign Lord. May the Lord use them to further His kingdom.54'