b'1. An appreciation for masterLife masterLife discipleship trainingAlthough I thought myself amature person, but after teachingit for 3 years, I realized how muchMasterLife I fell short of Gods holinessespecially in the area of genuineforgiveness of fellow Christians. Matthew 5:23-24 23 Therefore, if you are offering5:23-24your gift at the altar and there23 remember that your brother orsister has something against you,24 24 leave your gift there in front ofthe altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. Before, I would simply bearmy hurts inside of myself. Butbecause of the exhortation ofScripture, through MasterLife,one by one, issue by issue, slowly,but faithfully, I talked it out withothers. Whether it was they who offended me or vice versa.My hurts subsided and true healing began. 18'