b' JoyR e f l ect in g onto the English Congregation During My Tenureby Nick HsiehApril 1, 2023I joine d the s t af f as theAswereflectonthe10th English Congregation Pastoranniversaryofthebuilding i n J a n u a r y o f 2 0 1 9 . M ydedicationthisspring,and service as a staff pastor willprepareforaleader ship conclude at the end of Junet r a n s i t i o n t h i s s u m m e r, this year. Manytimes initsvaluableforustoalso theScriptures,GodhashispauseandreflectonGods people review the history ofgracetowardtheEnglish hisgraciousactionstowardCongregation over these last themasawayofhonoringseveral years.him,building-uptheirfaith in him, and reminding themF r o m t h e b e g i n n i n g o f o f th eir i d e nti t y in him .mytimeatC B C WL A ,the 7'