b' Joyisciples,ifyouhaveloveforushereforareason,but one another (Jn 13:35, ESV).alsoforaseason.InGods Thisisespeciallytrueinap r o v i d e n c e , h e b r o u g h t culture that is sorely lackingustothischurchandthis insocialtrust.Andfinally,c o n g r e g a t i o n i n t i m e t o despite all the people whomw e a t h e r t h e p a n d e m i c God has called away, he hast o g e t h e r, t o w i t n e s s h i s retained for us a core groupprovisionandsus t aining ofleaderswhocontinuetograceamidsttryingtimes serve and shape the church.together,andtohelpour This stable remnant helps tocommunitytransitionout pass on the distinctives andofthepandemicandinto valuesofCBCWLAtoeacha p e r i o d o f o p p o r t u n i t y new generation of members,f o r c o n t i n u e d g r o w t h i n t r a i n i n g a n d e q u i p p i n gmaturityandoutreach.As people whom God may laterwemoveawaythissummer callelsewheresothattheyand the English Congregation c an b ea b l es sin gto thefacesanotherleadership communities where he takestransition,Iamconfident them. thatthecongregationand thechurchwillfacethis When I first joined the staffnextseasonwell.Iwould at CBCWLA, it was with theencourage the congregation expectationthatGodhadto continue striving to grow c all e d u s to a l o n g- ter mm o r e r o o te d in th e c o r e purposeandfuturehere.v aluesofthec hurc hto Natalie and I discovered thatbeChrist-centered,Bible-whileGoddidindeedcallbased, and Mission-minded. 15'