b' Joydonated personal protectivea m o n g w h o m G o d h a s equipment to local police andplacedus.AndpraiseGod, firestationsandhospitals.m a n y p e o p l e f r o m b o t h Wecontributedfinanciallycongregations engaged with t o d i s a s t e r r e l i e f a n dthat vision to make and man refugeeresettlement.Webooths, coordinate logistics, continued to host Evangelisma n d f a n n e d o u t i n t o t h e andWelcomenight s.Wesurrounding area to interact connected with and startedwith our neighbors and invite financiallysupportingnewt h e m t o o u r c e l e b r a t i o n missionaries.Westar tedcarnival.outreach and prayer ministry onSawtelle.WelaunchedAmidst all the transitions and a n En g l i s h C o n g r e g a t i o ngrowth,severalimportant seekersclasscalledNSYNCt h i n g s h a v e r e m a i n e d (New Seekers Y New Comers).stable.Thechurchsvision A n d m o s t r e c e n t l y , w eandvalueshaveremained turnedourcelebrationofthesameto be a kingdom the 10th anniversary of ourchurch that is Christ-centered, buildingsdedicationintoB ible-ba s e d , a n d Mi s s i o n-aneighborhoodoutreach.minded.Thesecentering I p r a i s e G o d f o r P a s t o rv a l u e s h a v e h e l p e d a n d Mickeysvisiontousethiscontinue to help us focus our moment of celebrating Godsministries.Theyremindus faithfulnesstoustoturnthat our identity and mission ourattentionoutward,toa r e f o u n d i n t h e p e r s o n b e c o m e m o r e aw ar e an dandworkofourSaviorand engaged with the neighborsLord, Jesus Christ, and in his 13'