b' Joyledafewpeoplefromtheandourworldhasfacedin Chinese Congregation to joinrecent history: the COVID-19 us.Andinthelastcouplepandemic. Difficult, pressing, ofyears,hehasgraciouslyandlastingtrialslikethe pandemicreallyser veas crucibles in which the quality ofourfaithasindividuals a n d a s a c o m m u n i t yi s proven. And our church and our congregation has shone forthGodsgraceandlove. Whilethenationandthe world struggled with disunity, d i s c o r d , a n d d i s t r u s t , drawn numerous new friendsourchurchsleader sand t o b e c o m e c o m m i t t e dmembers demonstrated unity members of our community,in support of our leaders as a n dt h r o u g h P a s t o rthey made difficult decisions, Jonathansleadershiphaskindnessandcareforthe even enabled us to start anvulnerableamongus,and English Congregation collegegenerosity of support toward ministry. ourneighbors.Mostofall we demonstrated faith in the Therecentadditionofnewgoodnessandsovereignty members to our congregationofGod.Althoughwehad c o m e s a f t e r t h e s i n g l every limited experience with l a r g e s t c h a l l e n g e o u ronline ministry prior to the congregation,ourchurch,pandemic,ratherthangive 11'